Redefining research: Uncovering climate impact insights with digitised primary sources
Thursday 10 April | 10am PT | 12noon CT | 1pm ET
How can primary sources be used to drive innovative, pioneering, and impactful research opportunities that can shape the future of our planet?
In this Choice-partnered webinar, Philip Gooding (McGill University) and Brian Atwater (University of Washington) will join AM’s Dr. Laura Blomvall to share how digitised archival materials have advanced our understanding of the Earth’s climate.
Philip Gooding’s research uses nineteenth-century missionary accounts from Africa combined with climate models to improve historical baselines for studying climate dynamics. Meanwhile, Brian Atwater examines archival records from the eighteenth and nineteenth-centuries to uncover evidence of a fourteenth century tsunami, exploring its implications for understanding natural hazards without modern precedents.
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