Gender: Identity and Social Change
Discover three centuries of primary source material documenting extensive developments in gender roles and relations.
From traditional constructions of femininity and masculinity, to the struggle for women’s rights and the emergence of the men’s movement, Gender: Identity and Social Change offers three centuries of primary source material for the exploration of gender history.
Explore records from men’s and women’s organisations, advice literature and etiquette books to reveal developing gender roles and relations. Gain an insight into changing societal expectations about gender roles through personal diaries and correspondence and explore the life and careers of key figures and pioneers in gender history.
Featuring Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR)
The papers of Arthur J. Munby (1828-1910), from Trinity College, Cambridge are included, enhanced with Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR). Munby’s fascination with the lives of working-class women are recorded meticulously through his collection of observations, interviews, diaries, photo albums and sketches, gathered from the streets of Victorian Britain. Read more about HTR or watch our demonstration video.
- Documents relating to Doris Stevens and Martha Carey Thomas in their fight for suffrage, including letters to Emmeline Pankhurst
- Papers from the collection of Betty Friedan, a leading figure in the feminist movement
- A unique collection of newsletters representing the development of the men’s movement from the 1970s onwards
- Reports and correspondence from organisations and groups such as the Manchester Men's League for Women's Suffrage, the Famous Five, the National Women’s Party and the Six Point Group
- Material highlighting arguments surrounding the body, including sexuality and abortion
- Late nineteenth-and early-twentieth century periodicals including The British Workman, The British Workwoman and The Lady’s Realm.
Key data
Period covered
Source archives
- Bryn Mawr College
- Glenbow Museum
- Hagley Museum and Library
- Mary Evans Picture Library
- Michigan State University Libraries
- Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America
- The John Rylands Library, University of Manchester
- The University of Melbourne
- Trinity College, Cambridge
- Women's suffrage
- Feminism
- The men's movement
- Organisations, associations and societies
- Employment and labour
- Domesticity and the family
- Conduct and politeness
- Legislation and legal cases
- Government and politics
- Leisure and entertainment
- Education and training
- The body
- Sex and sexuality
- Newsletters
- Periodicals
- Records from men’s and women’s organisations
- Diaries
- Advice literature and etiquette books
- Correspondence
- Ephemera
- Pamphlets
- Posters
- Photographs
- Scrapbooks
- Caitriona Beaumont, London South Bank University
- Peter I. Berg, Michigan State University Libraries
- Katharine Cockin, University of Essex
- Krista Cowman, University of Lincoln
- Kathy E. Davis, VU University Amsterdam
- Paul Deslandes, The University of Vermont
- Sarah Edge, Ulster University
- Alex Jones , Swansea University
- Michael Kimmel, Stony Brook University
- Clare Midgley, Sheffield Hallam University
- James Rosenheim, College of Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University
- Cara Snyder, University of Maryland
- Cultural Studies
- Gender
- Great Britain, Republic of Ireland and Northern Irish Studies
- North American Studies
- Women's History
- Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) search technology delivering document-level full-text search results across the papers of Arthur J. Munby (1828-1910)
- Visual gallery
- Interactive chronology
- Biographies
- Guide to featured organisations
- Contextual essays
- Video interviews