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Our collections


115 out of 115 collections shown

Award-winning primary source collections for teaching and research.

  • Collection
    Period covered
  • Thumbnail for Market Research and American Business, 1935-1965
    AM Primary
    Market Research and American Business, 1935-1965
    AM Primary

    Delve into the pseudo-psychological world behind the advertising of some of America’s biggest brands. What motivates women and men to buy and how can knowing that be used to sell?

  • Thumbnail for Mass Observation Online
    AM Primary
    Mass Observation Online
    AM Primary

    The Archive of Mass-Observation, a pioneering social research organisation, has been described as a "treasure trove", "an invaluable resource for sociologists and cultural historians" and "a fascinating source of precious data for researchers across the widest range of disciplines". Mass Observation Online makes the Mass Observation Archive available to researchers in its entirety, included diaries, surveys and questionnaires that reveal everyday life in Britain between the 1930s and 1960s.

  • Thumbnail for Mass Observation Project
    AM Primary
    Mass Observation Project
    AM Primary

    Explore the history of Britain through three turbulent decades, written by those living through it.

  • Thumbnail for Medical Services and Warfare
    AM Primary
    Medical Services and Warfare
    AM Primary

    Explore the history of illness, treatment and disease on international front lines from 1850 to 1949.

  • Thumbnail for Medieval and Early Modern Studies
    AM Scholar
    Medieval and Early Modern Studies
    AM Scholar
    12th to 19th centuries

    A huge range of primary sources covering social, cultural, political, scientific and religious perspectives, from the 12th to early 19th centuries.

  • Thumbnail for Medieval Family Life
    AM Primary
    Medieval Family Life
    AM Primary

    Only five major letter collections exist from fifteenth century England and they are all available online for the first time in this digital resource.

  • Thumbnail for Medieval Travel Writing
    AM Primary
    Medieval Travel Writing
    AM Primary
    The Middle Ages

    An extensive collection of manuscript materials for the study of medieval travel writing in fact and in fantasy.

  • Thumbnail for Meiji Japan
    AM Primary
    Meiji Japan
    AM Primary

    Manuscripts for the study of Meiji society, culture, ethnology and education from the papers of Edward Sylvester Morse (1838-1925).

  • Thumbnail for Mexico in History: Colonialism to Revolution
    AM Primary
    Mexico in History: Colonialism to Revolution
    AM Primary

    Discover the history of Mexico through the unique print and manuscript Spanish-language collections of the Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley.

  • Thumbnail for Migration to New Worlds
    AM Primary
    Migration to New Worlds
    AM Primary
    A selection of original documents that tell the story of European and Asian migration to North America, Australia and New Zealand during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Official records from governments, shipping lines and agencies are found alongside the letters, oral histories and diaries of the migrants themselves. The resource includes material on life for successive generations, refugees and displaced persons, and those who were transported as criminals.
  • Thumbnail for Missionary Studies
    AM Scholar
    Missionary Studies
    AM Scholar
    This collection includes primary sources for the study of missionary work, educational work, medical work, evangelism, political conflict, and the emergence of indigenous churches.
  • Thumbnail for Nineteenth Century Literary Society
    AM Primary
    Nineteenth Century Literary Society
    AM Primary

    An unparalleled resource for nineteenth century culture and the literary luminaries who shaped it.

  • Thumbnail for Perdita Manuscripts, 1500-1700
    AM Primary
    Perdita Manuscripts, 1500-1700
    AM Primary
    This resource is produced in association with the Perdita Project based at the University of Warwick and Nottingham Trent University. Their goal was to identify and describe all manner of writing by early modern women from diaries to works of drama. The resource links digital scans of the original documents with the researchers' catalogue and notes.
  • Thumbnail for Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975
    AM Primary
    Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975
    AM Primary
    A wide range of material, from government documents to fanzines, video content to posters and scrapbooks, tells the story of a time of music, political unrest, fashion and new technology.
  • Thumbnail for Popular Medicine in America, 1800-1900
    AM Primary
    Popular Medicine in America, 1800-1900
    AM Primary
    Explore the medicine chests and bookshelves of the everyday nineteenth-century American through a colourful array of advertisements, popular texts and much more. This resource offers access to an outstanding collection of highly visual primary source material, together with supplementary features designed to aid research and teaching.
  • Thumbnail for Poverty, Philanthropy and Social Conditions in Victorian Britain
    AM Primary
    Poverty, Philanthropy and Social Conditions in Victorian Britain
    AM Primary

    This digital resource documents the interactions between government policy and public philanthropy in Victorian and early twentieth-century society, tracing developments in welfare reform and the social tensions surrounding poverty. Includes a variety of material on conditions of workhouses and the administration of the new poor relief system through the official government correspondence of the Poor Law Commission.

  • Thumbnail for Race Relations in America
    AM Primary
    Race Relations in America
    AM Primary

    Surveys and Papers from The Amistad Research Center, 1943-1970

  • Thumbnail for Research Skills Foundations
    AM Research Skills
    Research Skills Foundations
    AM Research Skills

    Develop students' primary source literacy and critical thinking skills and introduce key approaches to working with source material.

  • Thumbnail for Romanticism: Life, Literature and Landscape
    AM Primary
    Romanticism: Life, Literature and Landscape
    AM Primary
    A digital version of the single largest collection of working notebooks, verse manuscripts and correspondence of William Wordsworth and his fellow writers anywhere in the world. Highlights include annotated full manuscripts of such notable works as The Prelude and Michael, or Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s Dejection: An Ode.
  • Thumbnail for Royal Shakespeare Company Archives: From Playwrights to Performance
    AM Primary
    Royal Shakespeare Company Archives: From Playwrights to Performance
    AM Primary

    Insights into the RSC and its most innovative and pioneering productions.

  • Thumbnail for Service Newspapers of World War Two
    AM Primary
    Service Newspapers of World War Two
    AM Primary
    Contains an extensive range of both rare and well-known wartime publications for soldiers serving in major theatres around the world. Publications are included from many key nations involved in the conflict, such as the US, Canada, New Zealand, India, Germany, and elsewhere in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
  • Thumbnail for Sex & Sexuality
    AM Primary
    Sex & Sexuality
    AM Primary
    Late 19th century - present day

    Sex & Sexuality covers a broad range of topics and is drawn from leading archives around the world. From papers of leading sexologists to LGBTQI+ personal histories, the collection is an essential resource for the study of human sexuality, its complexities and its history.

  • Thumbnail for Shakespeare in Performance
    AM Primary
    Shakespeare in Performance
    AM Primary
    1670s to 1970s (bulk nineteenth century)
    Rare and unique prompt books from the world-famous Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington DC. The prompt books tell the stories of key performances as they were put on in theatres throughout Great Britain, the United States and further afield, between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries.
  • Thumbnail for Shakespeare's Globe Archive
    AM Primary
    Shakespeare's Globe Archive
    AM Primary
    Documenting over 300 productions from 1997-2016 from the Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London, this digital collection is a critical resource for the study of Shakespeare, theatre, cultural history and early-modern literature.